Thinking about enrolling during the Summer?
We provide a range of Financial Aid options for eligible students, including loans and grants designed to help you cover the costs of your schooling.
UCLA Summer Financial aid is available to eligible UCLA students, including newly admitted students.
In order to be considered for UCLA summer programs, you only need to complete a FAFSA or CADAA application for 25/26. There is no supplemental summer application needed for UCLA summer programs:
- Summer Sessions and Summer Pathways
- Freshman and Transfer Summer Programs
- Summer Travel Study
- Summer Institutes and Global Internship Program
- UC Education Abroad Program
If you plan to attend a Summer Travel Study Program or Summer Sessions at another UC campus, you will have access to a UC Cross Campus application mid–February on our new Bruin Financial Aid portal under Upload a Non Requested Document > Document Name > Application: Summer Cross Campus.
NOTE: You cannot receive Summer Financial Aid after having completed your degree requirements. If your Degree Candidacy term is Spring 2025, you cannot receive financial aid in the Summer after your Expected Degree Term. If you are required to take summer courses in order to complete your degree requirements, please update your EXPECTED DEGREE TERM on MyUCLA to SUMMER 2025.
UCLA does not provide Financial Aid to students enrolled in non-UCLA Summer programs.
- Non-UCLA students should consult the Financial Aid Office at their home institution for information regarding Summer Financial Aid.
- UCLA students in a dismissed status are not eligible for Financial Aid.
Applying for Summer Aid
- You must complete a 2025-26 FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application. For maximum aid consideration complete your application before April 2nd.
- UCLA Financial Aid and Scholarships will convert to a new Bruin Financial Aid portal in 2025. You do not need to submit a Summer Financial Aid Application (separate from FAFSA/CADAA) unless you attend a Summer Sessions or Summer Travel Program at another UC.
Some of the charges for enrolling in Summer Session specialized programs are non-refundable. Please make sure that you understand what charges cannot be refunded if you decide not to participate in the program after enrolling.
Estimate your Summer Cost
To estimate your total Summer tuition and fee costs, please use the 2025 UCLA Summer Financial Aid Calculator available via your MyUCLA. If you plan to live on-campus during the Summer, housing costs will be factored into your BruinBill. Financial Aid calculations will also consider Off-Campus living arrangements or Commuting costs in your Summer Financial Aid Notification letter.
Estimate your Summer Aid
Your summer eligibility will be based on your Summer Program Costs, Summer Living Expenses, number of units enrolled, and whether you apply before the April 2nd application filing deadline. General eligibility criteria below are based on 24/25 and will be updated once 25/26 information becomes available, but we do not expect significant changes. You may be eligible for the following financial aid programs:
Undergraduate Students
Federal Pell Grant (University Grant will replace Summer Pell Grant for CADAA applicants)
- Student Aid Index (SAI) < 7396
- No minimum unit requirement
- Maximum Summer Pell Grant eligibility for students with SAI between -1500 and 0 who are enrolled in 12 units is $2,465
- Award amounts between $19 and $2,465 for students with SAI > 0 or enrolled less than full time
University/DREAM Grant (FAFSA and CADAA applicants)
- FAFSA/CADAA must be filed before UCLA’s priority deadline of March 2
- Minimum 8 units required
- SAI < $25,000 (in most cases)
- Award amount based on summer units ($1,500 for 8 units, $2,250 for 9-11 units, $3,000 for 12 or more units)
Grant support will be calculated first and deducted from the summer cost of attendance. Once grants are deducted from summer costs, the remaining eligibility will be covered by loans and work-stud
Federal Direct Student Loans (FAFSA applicants )
- Minimum 6 units
- Federal Direct Subsidized Loan and Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
California Dream Loan (CADAA applicants)
- Minimum 6 units
- Application must be filed before April 2 priority deadline
Federal Work-Study
- Application must be filed before April 2 priority deadline
- Minimum: 6 units
- SAI < 12,000
- Awards $1,000 - $1,8000
- CADAA applicants must have DACA documentation to be able to work
Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan (FAFSA applicants)
- Minimum: 6 units
- Available to students classified as Dependent students for the purposes of Financial Aid
Graduate Students
Federal Direct Student Loan (FAFSA applicants )
- Minimum: 4 units
- Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan (FAFSA applicants)
- Minimum: 4 units
California Dream Loan (CADAA applicants)
- Minimum 4 units
- Application must be filed before April 2 priority deadline
Important Notes Regarding Financial Aid
- Your summer financial aid eligibility depends on the length of your enrollment, housing status, and the number of units you are taking.
- Changes to your enrollment after aid disbursement may result in adjustments to your award, which could lead to an increase or decrease in aid and potentially generate a bill.
- There will be a non-refundable registration fee charges by the summer programs that will not be refunded if you cancel summer registration
Summer Disbursements
You must be enrolled in at least 6 units (UG) and 4 units (G) before we can release aid to your BruinBill account. Disbursements start 10 days before the first day of summer sessions. When aid is disbursed to BruinBill, your summer tuition and fees will be paid. A refund will be generated for any balance remaining and released to you. This money can be used for your educational and living expenses.
For students enrolled in sessions A and C, financial aid for both sessions will be disbursed at the beginning of session A. Aid will be disbursed to students enrolled in Session C only at the end of July.
Maintaining Summer Aid Eligibility
Summer Financial Aid eligibility is based on the exact sessions and the number of units per session. Your financial aid package may change based on any changes to your enrollment, sometimes resulting in a bill if you switch the sessions attended and/or take fewer units.
To be eligible for summer aid, UG students need to enroll in a minimum of 6 units (half-time status), and Graduate students must be enrolled in 4 units (half-time status).
A minimum of 8 units (UG) is required to qualify for a Summer University Grant (based on FAFSA/CADAA eligibility).
Some programs (Federal Pell Grant and Summer University Grant) require enrollment in 12 units to receive full eligibility. FAS will review all units at the end of the third week of each UCLA summer session (the census date) to determine your eligibility for summer aid. If you are not enrolled in the number of units the award was based on, your aid will be adjusted. Adding units after the census date will not reinstate your eligibility. Aid will be subject to cancellation if you drop below half-time status.
If you receive financial aid and subsequently do not enroll in Summer Sessions for which you were awarded or if you drop all your units for the session for which you received aid, you may be billed for a portion of aid received. The calculation of Return of Title IV funds is based on published schedules and the date that you cancel your registration or the date you drop all classes during a summer session.
Under federal regulations, summer is considered a single term of enrollment. If you cease attendance before the end of the awarded period, you will be considered ‘withdrawn’. Here are a few examples of situations that will be treated as withdrawals in the summer:
- You are awarded aid for sessions A and C but do not attend session C. You will have completed 6 of 12 weeks of enrollment resulting in a recalculation of your financial aid eligibility.
- You are awarded aid for session A and C but drop units in session A after 3 weeks and drop units in session C after 3 weeks. In total, you will have completed 6 of 12 weeks during the summer, and your eligibility for aid will be recalculated.
- You are awarded aid for session A (10 weeks) and drop classes after the third week of instruction. You will have completed 3 of 10 weeks and your eligibility for aid will be recalculated.
NOTE: If your summer enrollment plans change, please contact Financial Aid and Scholarships to find out if your eligibility for aid has changed. If you are considering enrolling in different sessions or fewer units than indicated on your summer application, your aid may decrease. Please contact us immediately.
Example of Summer Aid Recalculation
- On-time undergraduate enrolled in 9 units for session A (6 weeks) and 6 units for session C. All aid was disbursed 10 days prior to Session A start date. The following shows the total cost of attendance and awards:
Cost of Attendance $9,339 (15 units, 12 weeks of enrollment) Pell Grant $1,882 University Grant $2,200 -
Student completed 9 units from session A but did not attend session C. Financial Aid adjustments:
Cost of Attendance $5,173 (adjusted to session A only) Bill based on Units $1,021 ($4,082 original awards at full-time minus $3,061 revised awards at 9 units (3/4 time)) Bill based on Withdrawal $1,833 (Pell and University grants are further reduced based on unearned aid percentage) Total Summer Bill $2,854
Summer Publications
Our 2025 Summer Publications can be accessed via our Publications page under Summer 2025 Publications.